New Tech Industries 1U Fiber Optic Enclosure 3 Panels Slide Out Design with Front Swing Door (Post)
New Tech Industries manufactures the 109 Series Rack Mount Fiber Enclosures. These 3 panel enclosures can be used with ST, SC, and LC connectors. Singlemode OS2 or Multimode either OM1 or OM3/4.
What distance will my fiber optic cable carry a signal? (Post)
Fiber Optic cable will transmit digital data from just 1m to 100's of miles. This chart gives you a rough idea of the distance and the data speeds that are expected from MM 62.5 and MM 50.
Honeywell Vista 20P Control Panel: Top 5 Wired Alarm Sirens (Post)
Top 5 Compatible Wired Alarm Sirens for the Honeywell Vista 20P Control PanelHoneywell Vista 20P is a popular control panel of Honeywell that is ideal for those who are looking for a sophisticated ...